Ecosystem Cyber Safety - Free - Instant - Democratic - Anonymous: Connecting and Protecting Our Extended Supply Networks from Cyber Threats: Invitation to Manufacturing SMEs & MEs -> Join Us in our Horizon Europe Innovation Action SU-DS03-2019-2020 “eGoose - Towards “Instant” Deep Diffusion of Actual and Real-Time Cyber Safety Solutions through the Complete Extended Supply Networks.

Industry Invitation to Participate in our “eGoose” Horizon Europe Innovation Action Proposal on enabling “Digital Security and Privacy for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Micro Enterprises (MEs)” with a focus on “Instant” Deep Diffusion of Actual and Real-Time Cyber Safety Solutions through the Complete Extended Supply Networks of “Late Majority” High Value Manufacturing SMEs & MEs. The Open European Network for Enterprise Innovation in High Value Manufacturing (ENTOV-HVM) in collaboration with the Innovation Value Institute at Maynooth University (Ireland) hereby invites Manufacturing SMEs / MEs to participate in our upcoming proposal to develop and implement an innovative Cyber Safety solution that will diffuse “instantly” through their complete extended supply networks. Proposal submission will be by August 27th, 2020. The proposal will apply for three year and €4M funding. For more details see our initial presentation HERE and the call det...