Our eGoose Proof of Concept - Friends refering Friends?
Dear all - its been about a week since we launched our Whatsapp based proof of concept - do contact me via Whatsapp +49 (0) 1709053671 if you would like to join.
We now have 19 members and are welcoming them as follows:
"Dear all - please again welcome <name> to our "cyber self-protection" group :) A group of (friends of) friends which is there for each other in case of cyber incidents and imminent risks - a group that will hopefully always have extremely LOW levels of activity!
"In our ecosystem we protect each other from cyber threats by telling others when we have come close to being compromised or actually have been compromised. "
<name> is a friend of <name> so please extend your trust to him.
Rules of Engagement
1. Protect friends by encouraging them to register via SMS/WhatsApp.
2. If you think you are compromised -> SMS/Whatsapp your trusted expert for arranging a personal call to review it (this is me for the moment).
3. If you are compromised -> SMS/Whatsapp your trusted expert for (a) informing your friends on your behalf and / or (b) arranging a personal call to explore treatments.
4. If you are notified by SMS/Whatsapp from a friend and / or the trusted expert that a friend is compromised -> SMS/Whatsapp your trusted expert for arranging a personal call to review your situation."
The attached image shows our emerging network (using Gephi to visualize with default settings and a Fruchterman Reingold layout). As friend referals grow the network is by default becoming more decentral.
In the case of a cyber safety incident / impending risk threat we can expect knowledge to diffuse along the connection paths we see.
Below some research details about this diffusion but would be good to discuss pragmatic actions to improve these.
Network variables affecting the speed of diffusion are (Schwabe, O., Almeida, N., Schneider, L., Salvado, A. (2020) A Framework for Accelerating Innovation through Innovation Webs (in the Construction Industry). Sustainability and Automation in Smart Constructions. Proceedings of the International Conference on Automation Innovation in Construction (CIAC-2019), Leiria, Portugal. Springer ISBN 978-3-030-35533-3.)
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