Call for Expressions of Interest: H2020 Opportunity - "Accelerating Deep Diffusion of Digital Security Solutions in SMEs"
Dear all - after some exploring on open calls that interest me professionally I have identified this potential opportunity for us - some first details follow and please remember that if you have a specific area of passion and would like support in identifying/answering a relevant call do let me know. Proposal submission is 27 August 2020 and we will customize our Knowledge Alliance Proposal to the specific all requirements (see this ). If you are interested in participating please reach to me and reserve your slot in the Consortium by Friday 29 May 2020. More details on the exact approach and administrative points will be issued over the next few weeks. Please note that this call also aligns with our Academy specialization course "S-8: Cybersecurity for Products and Services: Using the generic narrative for the diffusion of innovation and based upon an industry case study this course aims to introduce participants to the specific nature ...