ENTOV-HVM Accelerating Innovation Diffusion - Case Study 1: “Winning the Bid”

Dear all, this first of a series of case studies is aimed at our “invisible college” (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invisible_College ) of innovation webs and diffusion of innovation enthusiasts. The case study is a first step towards a case study series in Harvard Business School format that will be integral to the learning curriculum proposed for development in our Knowledge Alliance proposal (see downloads page at www.innovation-web.eu ). All comments and suggestions welcome of course. If you would like to try out the case study in your company or with your students please let me know if you would like further guidance on getting best results. If you would like to contribute a case study let us know as well – it will take about two calls of an hour each with some short email exchanges in-between. Like all of the upcoming case studies, this specific case study is based on a real success story in industry and fully anonymized / abstracted to protect the innocent. Comple...