Announcing: Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance Proposal Development “European Knowledge Alliance for Accelerating the Diffusion of Innovation in High Value Manufacturing (ADI-HVM)”
Announcing: Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance Proposal Development “European Knowledge Alliance for Accelerating the Diffusion of Innovation in High Value Manufacturing (ADI-HVM)”
Dear all - this is the first draft of a summary of the proposal. This is the starting point for a project "sketch" that, upon completion, will be reviewed with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) which provides support for these types of proposals. Comments and further proposal participants (especially from industry) appreciated!
Sustainable competitive advantage in high value manufacturing ecosystems (such as aerospace, automobile, pharmaceuticals, civil engineering and chemicals) is heavily dependent on the capability to rapidly and continuously innovate key products and services.
Ecosystems are hereby understood as that interplay of multiple stakeholders (i.e. manufacturers, higher education and research institutions, and customers) assuming multiple roles in a web of tangible and intangible exchanges that work towards a shared purpose. Innovation is understood as the ability to transfer knowledge from the point of origin to the point of highest need at all stages of and across the complete whole product life cycle (therefore the diffusion of innovation curve from ideation to market saturation).
In high value manufacturing, due to a variety of context specific factors (i.e. industrial manufacturing paradigms, global deeply tiered supply chains, engineering challenges and market regulation), the diffusion of knowledge from ideation to market saturation occurs significantly slower than in other industries such as fast moving consumer goods or digital products.
ADI-HVM aspires to support the capability of European high value manufacturing ecosystems in disruptively accelerating the diffusion of knowledge from ideation to market saturation by acknowledging the complex adaptive nature of the innovation phenomenon and shifting the perspective from linear process to living systems (include the leverage of digital infrastructures).
In respect to innovation in European high value manufacturing ecosystems ADI-HVM aims to:
- describe, simulate and game their behavior based on success stories using living system principles translated into standard business process notation,
- determine the (in-) dependent variables (“game changers”) that significantly influence the acceleration of knowledge diffusion,
- identify the tipping points that signal the disruptive acceleration of knowledge diffusion,
- define the design standards for ideas to traverse the diffusion of innovation curve with disruptively rapid speed and
- create educational and policy interventions at all levels and for all stakeholders that enable the collective (swarm) behavior leading to disruptively rapid knowledge diffusion.
Achieving these aims will require establishing new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching, learning and policy making across all phases of the diffusion of innovation curve. This will in turn stimulate entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills of higher education staff and company staff by providing an integrated holistic perspective of the innovation journey.
ADI-HVM is designed as a three-year project and builds on COST proposal reference OC-2019-1-23678 “Open European Network for ENTerprise InnOVation in High Value Manufacturing (ENTOV-HVM)”.
Current primary proposal partners from higher education will each provide a (part-time) manager and a (full-time) researcher / teacher / trainer and include: Cranfield University (England), Technical University of Berlin (Germany), University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern (Germany), Maynooth University (Ireland), University of Padova (Italy), Riga Technical University (Latvia), Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania), University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Rzeszów University of Technology (Poland), University of Lisbon (Portugal), Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia), University of Maribor (Slovenia), and Sabanci University (Turkey). Primary proposal partners from industry are in negotiation. Partners supporting the proposal include EureCons Förderagentur GmbH (Germany), Eurofocus International Consultants Ltd (Germany), VDMbee (Netherlands), and Entovation International (USA). Each higher education partner will lead a work-package in collaboration with a high value manufacturing company located in their country. Work-packages will be managed by early career researchers (preferably in COST Inclusiveness Target Countries) and mentored by highly experienced alliance experts. Technical and administrative support will be provided / organized by the alliance coordinator.
The alliance coordinator is: Dr. Oliver Schwabe, Principal Web Weaver, Open European Network for ENTerprise InnOVation in High Value Manufacturing (ENTOV-HVM),
If you are interested in learning more please visit us at, our LinkedIn Group at, our blog at, our Researchgate project page at and our Facebook page at: You can also follow us via Twitter: @owschwabe (#innovationweb) and the LinkedIn Group page
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