ENTOV-HVM High Level Timeline

This blog post is a draft response to “Section 4 Implementation / Section 4.1 Coherence and Effectiveness of Work Plan / Section 4.1.4 GANTT Diagram” in the technical annex of the planned COST 2019 Open Call Proposal Reference: OC-2019-1-23678 "Open European Network for Enterprise Innovation in High Value Manufacturing (ENTOV-HVM)". The image shows the high level plan which has also been circulated separately.
While the actual progress of ENTOV-HVM will be significantly influenced by emergent events, (lack of) success in grant submissions and marketing efforts a generic high level plan will serve as a baseline for managing progress against aspirations.

Management Committee & Work Group Meetings will occur quarterly either virtually or blended in conjunction with training schools and joint research-industry workshop events (three day events at alternating proposer institutions).

Public grant proposal submissions will occur quarterly and alternate between submissions to COST and the European Research Council (ERC). Regional and industry grant proposal submissions will be completed on an ad-hoc basis as opportunities arise. All grant proposal submissions will be focused on either the ENTOV-HVM project itself, content areas emerging with a critical mass of participants (i.e. SMART Cities, Autonomous Driving, Robotic Manufacturing etc.), and / or specific challenges made public for funding.

Collaborative research studies will be conducted annually for a duration of six (6) months leading to submission to an international peer review journal with leading impact factor with following results presentations at conferences. Research studies will be sponsored financially by industry participants and sponsored through research resources by research participants (i.e. practicums, Bachelor / Master / PhD efforts).

Training Schools & Joint Industry-Research Workshops will be held as quarterly (three day) events in conjunction with the management committee and work group meetings at alternating proposer institutions. The preparation time for these events is expected to be six (6) months since not only industry participation, but also participants for the innovation cohorts needs to be solicited.

At each training school & joint industry-research workshop a cohort of ~20 innovators will launch into the four (4) phase innovation web process which includes living labs at each phase and are actively facilitated by ENTOV-HVM web weavers. Other deliverables include a template for web weaving campaigns needed to solicit participation at workshops and innovation cohorts, an innovation web health monitoring dashboard based on intellectual and financial capital principles, the accreditation of the training school content as a stand-alone MBA level course and an online platform for matching innovation web roles.

To join the network please visit our LinkedIn Group at https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8779542/


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