Our Deliverables - Workshops, Training, Living Labs, Conferences and Publications
This blog post is a draft response to “Section 4 Implementation / Section 4.1 Coherence and Effectiveness of Work Plan / Section 4.1.2 Description of Deliverables and Timeframe” in the technical annex of the planned COST 2019 Open Call Proposal Reference: OC-2019-1-23678 "Open European Network for Enterprise Innovation in High Value Manufacturing (ENTOV-HVM)".
The image shows a fishbowl to exemplify the living labs framework used to support the deliverables (retrieved from http://www.thefeelgoodlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/fishbowl_goldfish.jpg).
Intended deliverables are:
• Joint Research-Industry Workshops: Annual short term scientific missions at each of the proposer institutions in COST Target Inclusiveness Countries in the form of one day joint research-industry workshops consisting of an introduction / update to project progress (1 hour), a local industry keynote speaker from a high value manufacturing organization discussing the role of innovation in their business / industry (1 hour), a world café exploring the influencers of innovation speed in high value manufacturing (2 hours), an introduction to the ENTOV-HVM innovation stage gate process (1 hour) and innovation cohort launch sessions (2 hours). Each role based working group and each innovation stage working group will send at least one senior and one junior representative. The hosting proposer institution will organize the event and solicit participation from local industry, research and technology / innovation support organizations.
• Training schools: Each of the proposer institutions in COST Target Inclusiveness Countries will organize a training school in advance of the joint research-industry workshop in order to provide the cohorts of early career researchers and young innovators with the capability to create and serve a rapid innovation process based on value networks and intellectual capital formation. The proposer institutions in COST Target Inclusiveness Countries will furthermore solicit participation of a minimum of 20 early career researchers and young innovators. Each training school will last two days and precede the joint-industry research workshop. Training topics are: “From Digital Innovation Zones to Human Innovation Webs using Value Network Analysis” (4 hours), “Using Design Thinking to Create Minimum Viable Products” (2 hours), “How to Weave Human Innovation Webs” (2 hours), “Measuring Value Creation using Intellectual Capital Frameworks” (2 hours), “Assessing and Growing Knowledge Innovation Maturity” (2 hours), “Applied Drama Methods (ADM) and Collaboration Ethics” (2 hours), “Intellectual Property Protection for Knowledge Based Products” (2 hours).
• Living Labs: Short term scientific missions of members of all proposer institutions to industry participants in order to engage in living labs based action-research implementing the ideas of cohorts of early career researchers and young innovators in industrial contexts. Industry participants will organize the event and enable relevant piloting efforts. The duration of these missions will depend on the specific ideas being implemented.
• Annual industry / research conference participation and international journal contributions to disseminate knowledge created. A special emphasis will be placed on developing a framework for achieving real time manufacturing innovation based on traditional literature research, inputs from the joint research-industry workshops, training schools and living labs.
To join the network please visit our LinkedIn Group at https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8779542/
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